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Monday, December 04, 2006

The Moonshine Cafe

Hello all, it's been awhile! Having taken 3 months off to write and work on my next album, my first gig back was at a wonderful place called The Moonshine Cafe in Oakville! Julie (the hostess of the evening) contacted me several months ago and invited me to play and of course I was honored. Despite the fact that I was fighting a cold and that my throat was a bit raw, I had the time of my life. The audience was attentive and lively and thoroughtly enjoyed our set. When I say "our" set I mean my husband Jeff and I, since our songs wouldn't be the same without his smooth voice harmonizing with mine. All and all, it was a wonderful time with one of the best audiences I've played for in a long while. It's always nice to know that the soul and effort we singer/songwriters put into our work is appreciated

It's late so I'd better go. I will try to do a better job at blogging more often.

My next show's in Burlington at a place called the Legendary Red Rooster Vintage Cafe phew!! Say that three times fast!

Be safe all and have a Merry Christmas if I don't blog before then.

Annie xo

Friday, January 13, 2006

ALIVE - CD Release

I am new to blogger, was invited by BallerinaGurl, and am excited to get to know everyone here! I have linked over to MySpace for you to listen to my music and purchase if you would like. You can catch the full album on the IAC Radio link. My Single ADDICTED currently remains in the KIAC Big 50 and has already hit the top! Thank you for your support!