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Monday, December 04, 2006

The Moonshine Cafe

Hello all, it's been awhile! Having taken 3 months off to write and work on my next album, my first gig back was at a wonderful place called The Moonshine Cafe in Oakville! Julie (the hostess of the evening) contacted me several months ago and invited me to play and of course I was honored. Despite the fact that I was fighting a cold and that my throat was a bit raw, I had the time of my life. The audience was attentive and lively and thoroughtly enjoyed our set. When I say "our" set I mean my husband Jeff and I, since our songs wouldn't be the same without his smooth voice harmonizing with mine. All and all, it was a wonderful time with one of the best audiences I've played for in a long while. It's always nice to know that the soul and effort we singer/songwriters put into our work is appreciated

It's late so I'd better go. I will try to do a better job at blogging more often.

My next show's in Burlington at a place called the Legendary Red Rooster Vintage Cafe phew!! Say that three times fast!

Be safe all and have a Merry Christmas if I don't blog before then.

Annie xo