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Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Another year gone by and here we are again on Halloween! Where does the time go? Am I the only one who feels life is whipping by and I have so much I want to do and so many people I'd like to get to know...Which reminds me, the more I listen to Alanis Morissette's song "Incomplete" the more it makes sense. If everyone saw their lives as forever "Incomplete" then they wouldn't be in such a panic to get to the finish line. Think about it :)

Since I last blogged, I've been a very busy girl ok woman who am I kidding? On Oct. 22 I believe, I went to see the Who perform in Hamilton. Simon Townsend accompanied his brother once again as well as Zack Starkey (Ringo Starr's son) who was on drums. It was a fantastic show!

I've been working away at completing my 5 song EP Heart and Soul and have been lucky enough to have Richard Dodd who mixed the Dixie Chicks' last album, help me find someone whithin my budget to mix my songs.

Tonight I'll be dressing up for Halloween which I haven't done in a long time! I won't tell you what I'm going to be until I post a photo tomorrow or in the next few days. Until then ta ta!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Things are coming together

Hello Folks,

I'm so excited to let you all know that my 5 song EP "Heart and Soul" is coming along very well. As we speak, my website is being re-designed and I now have my own logo, which you will see when the site is complete. I've also hired a publicist which I'm thrilled about. If you would like to hear the "rough mixes" of 3 of my songs, please visit

Tonight I'm off to the Ontario Independent Music Awards at the Phoenix Theatre in Toronto where I've been nominated for an award. I'm really looking forward to seeing all the winners from last year perform as well.

Until next time, be safe and be kind!
